Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Photoshoot with my sister

Just yesterday my sister, Vanessa, and I went for a photo shoot. She is such a great photographer and has an awesome camera. One would believe she was a professional.

Now for the photos of Vanessa. She also has many nicknames such as Nessie, Vanes, Ness...

Yes, isn't she beautiful?

My apologies for not posting this weekend. I went to camp at the Elks Youth Lodge. I might have been canoeing, tie-dyeing, and rock climbing. Oh and did I mention falling from forty feet in the air? I will have pictures soon. 

Danielle won the photo challenge! Please email me HERE to ask what $5 gift card you want.


  1. Hi! I love the pictures! I awarded you!


  2. Love all the pics! My sister and I did a photo-shoot too, which i'll be posting about soon :)

  3. Hannah - Thanks for awarding me! I really appreciate it.

    Betsy C. - I need an ALL CAPS COMMENT every now and then. :)

    Danielle Marie - Fantastic! I received the email.

    Rebecca Pearl - You are so sweet! I, did in fact, view the photoshoot post.

  4. These girls are both so gorgeous! And their eyes...

    1. Thank you, Gabby! But all the credit goes to my dad. He has the bluest eyes. EVER!


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think of such things.
~ Philippians 4:8

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