Thursday, October 11, 2012

I Am a Writer Award!

I was awarded twice by Samantha and Laura. Thank you!

Alrighty, here are the rules

1. You must award 10 to 15 bloggers
2. If you are awarded you must award other bloggers, too
3. You must post some information about your blog

Here goes the in formation about my blog.

Leave it to Lindy was originally supposed to be more professional than my other blog Lindy's Life Adventures. (plus it sounded better)

Now I present the award to...

Leaf Dance Photography at Leaf Dance Photography

Mallory at This is Me

Monica Renee' Sheely at Little Pearls Big World

Congratz, everybody! Hope you enjoy this 'lil award!

Oh, and just a reminder, the kitchen utensil contest ends on the 18th! Enter here.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! Wow, 2 awards! You deserve it. :D

  2. Thank you dear! I'll make sure to do this when I get the chance! =)

  3. Cool, I've been hoping someone would award me so I could pass it on! =D
    I know several deserving bloggers...!
    Thanks. =)



Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think of such things.
~ Philippians 4:8

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